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- Shh.. here's what I wish I knew 18 years ago
Shh.. here's what I wish I knew 18 years ago

if you’re a paid subscriber there will be a link below that will allow you to listen to this entire post
It’s the first official post from The Work Wife, a full 6 months after I dreamed this up. I wanted a space that was more permanent. Free from the bounds of algorithms, where I could show up for you week after week and you can find what you’re looking for in a convenient place.
I am so excited!

I hosted my first ever Galentine’s Day party with some girlfriends last night. Honestly, I’m a little tired of planning parties between our holiday party in December, Mila’s birthday in January, and now this — I didn’t even know if I wanted to do it. BUT it was so much fun! I love all the girly things. We made it a pajama party and ordered pizza, had cupcakes, played games, decorated candlesticks, and did face masks — best night ever!
One of my best friend’s said goodbye to her beautiful mom (cancer) last week. I’ve been doing a lot of reading in my spare time to figure out how to best support a friend during a time of grief or big transition. I’ve learned a lot of “what NOT to say” and I feel like I’ve learned a few things that you CAN do.
Reply to this email if you’d like me to share my learnings.
💫 work wife trivia
📆 weekly report is in
Read, Eat, Play, Obsess, Recommend, and Treat
📚I’m not even sure if I’m allowed to say this, but I got my hands on an advanced copy of Kevin Kwan’s book “Lies And Weddings” — and I’m SO into it. It’s romance meets rom com with filthy rich and attractive main characters, yes please.
🍴We love Thai food and this is a one pot recipe that the whole family loved ~ Mila included! (+ its DF/GF) - made it last night, so good!

🎲 I’ve been playing with the viral Cloud Paint blush and I love how buildable it is. Did you catch my latest video with it?
🛍️ I have two pairs of these pajamas and yes they are expensive, but the cost per wear makes them SO reasonable. I literally don’t want to sleep in anything else. They are my go-to gift for holidays and birthdays.
🤌 I want this Bala round weight so bad. It’s like half kettlebell, half weight, someone tell my husband.
🍦 Valentine’s Day week means i’m making DIY heart shaped pop-tarts. Here’s my inspo & a recipe.
💍 8 Marriage Lessons I Wish I Knew 18 Years Ago
When I first started my blog 13 years ago, I wrote a lot about personal things. I wrote about my life, my love, my family, and as time went on and my audience grew I became wary of writing about my personal life. In an age of short form content, where snippits reigned supreme, I was worried things would be taken out of context and I avoided the situation all together.
My return to long form content allows me to write about things I care about. Stuff I’m learning, not just in the beauty space, but as a person. As a mom, as a wife, and as an entrepreneur. My locked newsletter allows me the opportunity to share with my inner circle. I’ll include a few of the lessons here, but hope that you’ll subscribe to read the rest.
Remember, the cost of a paid subscription is a coffee, just once a month <3

Sahir and I got married in secret on our 9 year dating anniversary. It was a Tuesday afternoon and I left work early, I told them I had an appointment - and I did. I just left out that it was at the Gwinnett County Courthouse. There were 8 people that knew we were getting married: our parents, siblings, and me + Sahir.
Most governing bodies in the USA don’t recognize religious unions outside of Christianity and Judaism as “legal” (super fun) so many minority races have a “civil” ceremony before their wedding. Instead of doing it on an arbitrary day, we decided to do it on our dating anniversary the 28th of January - the night of GACS Homecoming in 2006.
It’s been 18 years since the dance, and 9 since the courthouse. Here’s what I wish I knew before.
It works in times of war, and it works in times of marriage. Don’t worry about loosing a battle, worry about winning the war. It’s easy to get short sighted when it comes to marriage.
You can double down on an argument and fight till the death, but what have you really won?
Choose the battles that you need to win and make sure that they are things that improve the quality of your life — the “war” is long and you’ll only really win if you’re on the same side.
The biggest problem is marriage is that two people were raised entirely differently and are now trying to build a life together. Mind readers don’t exist.
You need to be open to sharing and over communicating what’s working and not working for you. On the flip side, you’ve also got to be open to receiving feedback that isn’t always rosy.
Marriages are made in the lows and reinforced in the highs
Sahir came from a very non-communicative household and I came from one with arguments that were far too loud and frequent. Neither of which are healthy and helpful.
The only way we can make progress is if we meet the other where they are in terms of giving and receiving feedback. I don’t expect him to know what I’m thinking. The “you should know!” is left for high school romances. We’re playing group up games in the real world. Just say it.
I was at my first job when my boss told me about his “honeydew list” - it was a list his wife made him that included all of the things she needed done from him. “honey, please do” at the time I thought that idea was kinda dumb. “Doesn’t he live in the house? Shouldn’t he know what needs to be done?” — 9 years later, I have a different opinion.
Men are really good at compartmentalizing their tasks. They have a work state, a home state, a relaxed state, and a productive state. Women on the other hand have 400 tabs open at all times. From needed to schedule a vet appointment, a work deadline, and remembering where you saved that healthy new recipe you should try to make — the list never ends.
I make lists for myself, so it’s not absurd that I would make a list for my husband. This isn’t daily tasks like feed the dog or make dinner - it’s things that I remember as I experience my day (I work from home) that I need him to do in the limited hours that he’s home. I’m here and I see it all day. So I can make the list.
This gives him the opportunity to tackle it in his time and we can refresh the list once a week.
I think this is probably the most important lesson that I’ve learned and something I talk about often with my friends. At the beginning of my marriage, I put a lot of emphasis on my husband being my “best friend” and he is - he absolutely still is — but I have other best friends, and that’s important.
Putting all of the burden of emotional support onto one person can be draining and having different thoughts and opinions can allow you to challenge your way of thinking.
I talk to my husband about work troubles, but I also talk to my friend Payal who consumes similar media as my target market and my friend Naina who understands the backend operations of different software and advises me on adjustments to my techstack. My best friend tier serves different purposes and that’s a good thing.
(P.S. Thank you to all of my besties (hubby included) for hearing me talk about this newsletter for 6 months and finally pushing me to publish. No one is happier than them that I’ve finally launched)
It wasn’t until I became a mom that I truly understood what the mental load looked like, and it’s been a learning process for me to understand and communicate with my husband. Executing together has been easy over the years - you cook, I cook. You do dishes, I clean the counter, etc.
But mental load is different. It’s a full time job to be a project manager and often leaves little energy to execute. Keeping track of school deadlines for littles, vet appointments, grocery lists, doctor’s appointments, birthday party gifts, home project planning — can be exhausting.
It’s truly “invisible labor” and it needs to be communicated because it affects the division of labor. Most men grew up seeing their moms do it all: the home, working outside the home, and coordinating every single thing. Our moms were supermoms, but they were also burned out and thankless. Let’s reinvent the wheel.
Back in 2017 I was watching some trashy reality tv and came across Kristen Cavallari telling her husband at the time (Jay Cutler) that “I’m with you because I want to be, not because I have to be” and of all the things - that’s stuck with me. I see it all the time with my friends - income disparity causes issues. You should never be in a situation where you have to be with someone — and your partner should know that. It keeps the cards on the table.
Make your own money, focus on your career or education, and always have an exit plan should you need one.
➗ 50/50 ISN’T REAL
There is no such thing as 50/50 in a longterm relationship. I wrote about this a few years ago, but the truth is our percentages change from day to day. Women are literally battling our own bodies with every week changing our energy levels, fatigue, and hormones. Men have their own challenges too.
Collectively, you need 100%, but some days you’re giving 80%, sometimes it’s 30% — you have to figure out how to communicate your number to your partner and let them know that today you need more or less support. Figure this out now before kids come into the picture. Or if you have kids, tackle it now. I promise you, it only gets harder.
I want to do a whole post on financial literacy and how to split finances in marriage including hearing from you guys on how you do it and what your tip recommendations are. Here’s my preliminary response based on what I know from my own experience and friends’.
Income changes over the span of your life. Your income and your partners’ will ebb and flow but things like debt, parents, student loans, and children can make it a lot more complicated.
I’m not saying 100% in the pot - there’s a lot of benefits to having your own account and I recommend it - but your joint account needs to shine bright in your marriage. “I spend my money on things for me” seems cool in your 20s, but when you have two kids and maybe a hiatus from work all of a sudden you’re asking your husband for money to get your hair done and you wonder how you got there.
Percentage based income splits are usually a good compromise, but we’re gonna deep dive into this in a future newsletter with your input soon.
P.S. I love being able to share my goodies with you all in the weekly giveaway. You can find the secret password at the bottom of the email, but there's no rush - enjoy the email. I've worked hard on it :)
🔢 survey says

I polled 5k of my readers and here’s what came out on top!

This week's giveaway will be a bundle thousands of dollars of makeup and beauty products. In order to enter, you need to BOTH of the two things.
As a reminder, be sure to like AND comment on my last 6 posts to be entered to win.
1) Go to my Instagram profile here & like/comment on my last 6 posts. This tells the IG algorithm that you like my content and want to see more of it. #besties
2) Go to my stories and enter the secret password "18years" into the box in my Instagram stories now. The box will remain up till 8:00 AM EST on Thursday 02/15
Can’t wait to see you for the next edition of The Work Wife! If you’d like to support my work, you can subscribe here.